sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012

futbol de ricardo FORT MANSION,14 mujeres elegidas ,muscari desnudo, GONZALO CAMMAROTA, SOFÍA ZÁMOLO,,Televisión Nacional Uruguay,canal 4, novia de Antonito DE LA rUA,

futbol de ricardo FORT MANSION,14 mujeres elegidas ,muscari desnudo, GONZALO CAMMAROTA, SOFÍA ZÁMOLO,,Televisión Nacional Uruguay,canal 4, novia de Antonito DE LA rUA,el futbol de ricardo FORT MANSION,14 mujeres elegidas ,muscari desnudo, GONZALO CAMMAROTA, SOFÍA ZÁMOLO, EMBARAZADA --- Y a las 23:30 en Nuestro Cine vamos a ver: "O toque do oboe", de Claudio McDowell (Paraguay/Brasil). Augusto, un músico brasileño que toca el oboe, decide quedarse en un pueblo que parece detenido en el tiempo. Después que los pobladores le escuchen tocar el oboe, Aurora, la dueña del cine cerrado, lo invita a acompañar las viejas películas mudas para revivir el pueblo y la memoria. La música y el cine provocan desde entonces una serie de fenómenos curiosos que cambian el poblado. Los amores, los celos, las confusiones y las iluminaciones van transformando a sus habitantes… Nuestro cine: El toque del oboe, 29/12/12 www.youtube.com muscari. caviar RICARDO FORT PAGINA OFICIAL Y UNICA VERDADERA Te g ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RevistaSoHo ?@RevistaSoHo SoHo quiso que este año, aparte de escuchar y bailar los 14 Cañonazos, usted los pudiera ver al desnudo: http://www.soho.com.co/mujeres/multimedia/14-canonazos-desnudo/29233 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Storm Fitness Me gusta · Hace 55 minutos Five easy ways to add mass If you are following a mass building program and your not doing theses simple “zero effort” things you’re missing out on some easy gains! Drink more water- 99% of people I see at Storm don’t drink enough water. Every cell in the body has a requirement for it. Between 1.5-3.5lt daily depending on your size and activity level. Eat more dietary fats- Protein gets the most P.R. in the mass building game and of course its highly important however in the most important growth phase of our lives (the first nine months) what’s our food of choice? That’s right Breast milk! 28-32% Fat, cheap, well packaged and tasty (or at least so I’m told …ahem)- More on this tomorrow. Up your “real food calories”- I make no secret of the fact that I’m not an advocate of calorie counting however when it comes to adding mass trying to do it whilst consuming 2,000 calories per day as a male or 1,400 as female just won’t work. Getting the majority of your calories from “real food” sources is a good strategy, supplements are supplementary and are there to support not replace a good diet. Sleep Zzz! – Make sure you get at least 8 hours of restful sleep. If you don’t get adequate rest you won’t see the best results possible from your training. Sleep is the best way to get your hormones into a favourable state for building muscle and losing fat. Anabolic hormones testosterone and HGH are up regulated whilst the muscle wasting cortisol is reduced. Wrap up warm- Shivering uses energy from ATP. Muscles work in pairs (agonist and antagonist) to create a small movement using ATP as the main fuel source; this is also the main fuel source of most weight training. When we are trying to add mass we need to use the calories from the food we eat to encourage growth. Too much activity, stress or shivering will result in a deficit in the calories we require and we will lose mass not gain it! So to summarise; eat,drink,sleep and stay warm...now does that sound tough? Me gusta · · Compartir A 5 personas les gusta esto. Se ha compartido 4 veces Paul Odreman Wbff Pro (Fitness Model) ha compartido la foto de Storm Fitness. Some mass building tips plus like up their page as it is great Algunos consejos de construcción masiva plus como su página es genial (Traducido por Bing) GONZALO CAMMAROTA, SOFÍA ZÁMOLGONZALO CAMMAROTA, SOFÍA ZÁMOLO"> kun ricarfort Ricardo Fort 15m LISTOS PARA EL PARTIDO... QUIEN SE ANIMA?? by r fort caviar Ricardo Fort ‏@ricarfort @ThiagoGauto pic.twitter.com/6oIRpFME Ver foto 1m Ricardo Fort ‏@ricarfort @fedeguasch pic.twitter.com/lEJgg4Zt Ver foto 1m Ricardo Fort ‏@ricarfort @ThiagoGauto pic.twitter.com/sHNTAekD Ver foto 11m Ricardo Fort ‏@ricarfort @ValeSamson EL ULTIMO QUE ENTRO AL MUNDO FORT...DESPACIO PORFA. pic.twitter.com/FtlB17Sm Ver foto 11m Ricardo Fort ‏@ricarfort FESTEJANDO QUE GANARON pic.twitter.com/sWQ6Ar6s Ver foto 14m Ricardo Fort ‏@ricarfort FFFFFFF... DAMN!!!!! pic.twitter.com/hW3kvAfx Ver foto Responder Retwittear Favorito 15m Ricardo Fort ‏@ricarfort TODOS LINDOS pic.twitter.com/YvVdAqF7 Ver foto